The Choiseul PowerHouse is “powering ahead” in Cyberspace with the speed of light. Some claim we are hard-hitting and controversial; some claim we are intellectual and academic! Some even claim we are political! Everybody is right! We are all of those things! We have a diverse global audience and it is our pleasure to stimulate your intellectual taste buds and we make no apologies for that. The bottomline is we are independent and have no affinity to any organisation: political or otherwise! We will continue to publish our "power articles"

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Thursday, March 24, 2011


There is a paradigm-shift in St. Lucia politics these days. We have moved from a paradigm of "cost overruns" to a paradigm of "cost nothing-ah-run". This is the view of a young man from Saltibus who argued that during the reign of the Kenny Government, money ran like "dirt" and it was nine years of plenty. His argument was "cost" is measured in "money" and said where there is cost, there must be money and where there is money, there must be employment and development. He went to argue that during the reign of Kenny, money "overran" in people's pockets and there was progress and development.

But what has happened since King? Nothing! It has been 5 years of famine for St. Lucia and nothing has run! Hence, the new word in town is "cost nothing-ah-run".
Nothing ah run for nobody! Nothing ah run for the youth who are leaving school. Nothing ah run for the development of this country. Nothing ah run for taxi-drivers; nothing ah run for the minibus operators; nothing ah run for the farmers and the fishermen; nothing ah run for the Tomas victims; nothing ah run  for the poor; nothing ah run  for Tourism; nothing ah run for the shopkeepers and the bars; nothing ah run for mothers and fathers etc etc.

We have moved from nine years of plenty under Kenny to five years of nothing under King! Is that what we deserve for government?

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