HTS loves Bruce Dwayne Tucker. At least, one of her news reporters does!
During this week, this reputable TV/Radio Channel seems to have become Tucker’s favourite campaign platform for the dissemination of a diet of unsavoury "Tucker propaganda" to the nation, ranging from his pseudo-achievements, the Baywalk Mall fiasco and the elusive Tucker Stadium. Since Monday, he has been getting equally wide coverage on the HTS Evening News, Radio 100 6.45 News (with Andre Paul) and also the HTS/Radio 100 Sports News (with Mikey Nickson).
The Powerhouse will resist any temptation to publish any popular theory or conjecture of a “link” within this reputable, industry-standard News Leader which allegedly management may not be aware of. We are leaving this for time to tell.
The forced frequency of Tucker’s presence on the HTS/Radio 100 News is not normal, especially in the context of the serious implications that these issues surrounding the news reports have for the integrity of the government.
One of the central issues is the procurement of funds for Tucker's Election projects. It’s unfortunate that HTS/radio 100 did not make any reference to it; and instead allowed Tucker to spin the news and spit on their faces and those of their viewership.
Tucker claimed to have received monetary donations from the Moroccan and Portuguese governments for political/election projects without any accountability and transparency whatsoever. The million-dollar question asked by the Choiseul Powerhouse is:
Has Bousquet as foreign Minister for St. Lucia violated diplomatic protocol or even international law by receiving monies on behalf of the state of St. Lucia and then takes it on his own to deposit it in a Village Council Account to which he is a signatory without the approval of the Director of Finance?
That is the question we want HTS and the St. Lucia News Media to investigate.
Meanwhile the reporting of uncensored Tucker Spin on the issue - in the way that it is reported – is indeed a sad moment for journalism in St. Lucia!
Ladies and gentlemen, is Tucker normal? or is it that, he has no shame? Please remove Walcott's photo next to Tucker. You can't put a political prostitute by St. Lucia's greatest Man.