is a game with aims. My own view is the current negotiations game between the
GNT (Government Negotiating Team) and TUF (Trade Union Federation) has drifted away from the sphere of rationality to the sphere of a dangerous
cat-and-mouse irrational war game; and if the players do not regain their sense
of rationality, then the game may well result in significant collateral damage to
the economy, which we can ill-afford at this time”.

has shown that our public servants don’t “play by their money” - and especially
when things get as bad as they are in St. Lucia now! And history is about to
repeat itself. An obviously disgruntled public servant told me today that "who
feels it knows it"; but paradoxically when it comes to seeking wage
increases and especially in tough times like now where the request for such
increases may be justifiable, public servants do not seem eager to invoke their
faculty to “feel” . . . or for that matter even to hear, see, smell or taste. Equally,
the government has become just as tenacious. Each side believes it has a better
case. Hence, the posture of the negotiations has seemingly assumed that of an unyielding
war-game, with neither party prepared to concede; the result: the schoolchildren
and the larger economy suffering unfortunate collateral damage.
seeming impasse looks like a dark cumulonimbus cloud hanging over the nation as
it goes through the motions of its 34th birthday party – a cloud
which bears some of the ominous marks of the industrial storm which swept over us
at the time of birth of our nationhood in 1979; and this threat couldn’t have
appeared at a worst time.
no doubt that the public servants have embarked on large-scale industrial
action, effective Thursday (February 21) and according to disclosures by the union
hierarchy, the action will continue until Wednesday (February 27) next week.
teachers and civil servants convened separate meetings on the eve of St.
Lucia’s 34th Independence Anniversary and apparently the members who
attended the meetings immediately “took ill” and that necessitated taking the
rest of the day off to recuperate at home.
from both unions were unabashed in their disclosures to the press. They claimed
that the workers took ill over the “state of negotiations” and they may have to
visit their doctors for medical advice; and based on that advice, they may or
may not report to work on Monday and Tuesday. But they all hope to get well and
return to work by Wednesday (February 27).
impending “epidemic” of industrial action is apparently an organized response
to what public servants say is the GNT's irrational and frivolous
intransigence. And it seems to be already biting to the point where it seemed
to have created a perception of potential industrial stability among the
authorities who have responded in kind with the issuance of a statement from
the PM’s office clarifying that Government offices were “open” on Thursday (February
21) and will remain open next week.
big questions are: What will happen next? Will the assumed sickout be
successful? Is it a simply freak storm in a teacup? Is it “much ado about
nothing”? Or, on the other hand, will it trigger a ripple effect and put
government under duress?
the outcome will be, it is bound to put the PM and his credibility under the
microscope, for the power is in his hands to advise his negotiating team on the
next sensible move to avert a potential industrial relations catastrophe.
this time around the TUF seems “firmer”, more focused and better organized.
They seem to have a sustainable “master strategy” moving forward which may well
overwhelm the current government in the same way they duped the former PM.
elements of the strategy are beginning to unfold as the TUF has smartly reduced
the quantum of demand for salary increases but have increased the quantum (and
menu) of benefits sought for their membership. The TUF contends that its
members understand the stress and strain on the economy at this time; but they
also submit there must be a “balanced equation” of reciprocity which takes into
consideration all variables - not just the needs of the economy but equally the
hierarchy of needs of the public servants. They claim that they understand that
the economy needs VAT, WASCO needs 66% increase but that this is only one side
of the equation. They argue they are not immune to the pressures of the
the above considerations, they have invited government to do a "barter"
with them. They have asked that part of their request for pay hikes be
converted to benefits by way of duty-free concessions to travelling officers,
pension benefits, reintroduction of increments and a reclassification exercise.
rough quantitative analysis of those benefits suggests that their sum total may
well far exceed by far the initial 16.5% increase sought. But will they out-fox
the GNT?
is a game with aims. My own view is the game has moved away from the sphere of
rationality to the sphere of dangerous cat-and-mouse irrationality; and if the
players do not regain their sense of rationality, the game may well result in significant
collateral damage for the economy, which we can ill-afford at this point in
time. The GNT’s inflexibility and the TUF's sick game point to a deeper problem
of industrial relations immaturity on both sides. Why can’t big men and women
arrive at a rational consensus? Is it that the GNT can’t convince the public
servants? Or are the public servants intent on playing hardball?
thing must be clear to the TUF: That the current PM is no Stephenson King. He
too is a master strategist. So let’s see how events unfold and what the
implications will be.
that as it may, I honestly believe the PM had the bird in the palm of his hands
but he let it escape with the tone in his address to the nation. That was
probably when the public servants first took ill. I am of the view that the
public servants have a profound sense of understanding, sympathy and even loyalty
to the government; and if the PM had used his savoir-faire to have a
man-to-man talk with them, the impending industrial cloud which hangs over Fair
Helen would never have been there.
the moment, the unions look a little smarter and more offensive than they did
before. But will their planned sick out have an impact? We will all get to know
by Wednesday.
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