public (generally) and parents (in particular) are becoming increasingly
impatient about the protraction of the wage talks between government and the
TUF; indeed, any right thinking citizen would say it’s high time to bring
closure to those talks and to restore the country to a state of equilibrium.
the third consecutive week, the TUFF will call its members out to meetings which
they claim the purpose thereof is to inform their members about the state of the
negotiations. Invariably, their previous meetings have always been followed by
the declaration of a “public service-specific” mystery illness designed to
cripple the country.
is noteworthy that all the meetings have been scheduled on normal working days,
forcing the taxpayer to pay salaries to public servants even when they have not
worked for it!
February 21, public servants have been absent for 7 out of 15 days! If the
trend of the mystery illness continues today (Tuesday, March 12), then they
wouldn’t return to work until the Ides of March, in which case, the total
number of absent days will climb to 9 out of 19! And if the mystery illness continues
to strike for the rest of March, then they will be out for an additional 7 days
out of 14, resulting in a grand total of 16 out of 33.

Had the TUFF honestly declared a strike, then that would be fine with me. The game would be played by rules and we all would
understand the implications. I might have even expressed my solidarity with
them; but I can’t support that type of orchestrated and dishonest cat-and-mouse game in the
name of a mystery illness. It’s cowardly and it’s not sending the right signals
to our children. And in the days ahead, we can only expect more challenging
psychosocial problems in the classroom and on the streets. Of course, don’t
even mention the humungous social and economic cost implications for the
country at a time we can ill-afford.
the moment, the country is on the alert for three major epidemics:
gastroenteritis, tuberculosis and the TUF mystery illness. The combined impact
of those illnesses on productivity and education can be alarming and
apparently, Mr Monrose has not demonstrated the sublime degree of patriotism and
goodwill we expect of him in those circumstances. While the CSA president has receded
to the background, he has unwisely continued to send mixed, irrational signals, grabbing
at any straw that comes his way! He incessantly proclaims that he is eager to
continue the negotiations but his follow-up actions and pronouncements spins in the other direction.
is beginning to look like that the TUF has exhausted its negotiation
capabilities and their options seem to be running out! It has become very reactionary
rather than proactive, calling its members out at every turn. This obviously
suggests an apparent lack of self-confidence to negotiate a closing deal
that its members will approve.
is on record that the TUF president has repeatedly claim that the PM is trying
to derail the negotiation process by attempts to impose arbitration. He is
equally guilty by trying to put the GNT under duress by resorting to destabilization
of the country and economy. It’s refreshing to see that both Gov’t and the country
have maintained their cool in the prevailing provoking circumstances, and have allowed the
TUF all the latitude without raising a single finger – a plus for us and our
tolerance as a nation.

as the Ides of March approaches, the TUF like Caesar continues its stubborn journey
while the poor kids continue to miss out substantially on their instructional
time. The private sector and the public have been held hostage for an equal
amount of time. The TUF has not paid any mind to Virginia Albert counsel either!
As Caesar’s wife warned Caesar of his impending “assassination”, she has also
warned the TUF of its folly. The police association has already struck the
first blow; the press, private sector and the public have all struck blows; yet,
the TUF still continue to stubbornly hold the gun to our heads.
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