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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

US moves to Combat Government Corruption in the Caribbean

The US has increased its financial support to the Caribbean not for the purpose of development but among other things to help combat "government corruption".

The support is coming under the Caribbean Basin Security Initative (CBSI)

The disclosure was made on June 24th by Secretary of State, Hilary Rodham Clinton in Montego Bay, Jamaica, following high-level talks with Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Foreign Ministers.

The aim of CBSI is to develop a joint strategy to tackle the full range of security and criminal threats to the Caribbean basin and this includes "tackling the illicit trafficking of drugs and guns; advancing public safety and security through programmmes to reduce crime and violence and improve border security; and promoting social justice  through  justice sector reform,  combating government corruption, and assistance to vulnerable populations at risk of recruitment into criminal organisations.”

The total allocation for the CBSI is US$77 million, a 70% increase over last year. 

Clinton said that “This support is just one piece of our broader regional security issues that we are tackling,”  and she reported that the US was pleased with the progress made so far and that she was optimistic about what the US can accomplish in the future.

St. Lucia's foreign Minister is Hon Rufus Bousquet (aka Bruce Tucker). However, we have no information on whether he attended the meeting on behalf of St. Lucia. It is noteworthy that several allegations of corruption have been leveled against Mr Bousquet and some members of his government are currently either facing charges of corruption or have been hauled before the courts on corruption charges. 

Mr Bousquet is also an ex-convict who was released from the US Federal Prison on 12-09-1984. His prison registration number is 77316-012.

What a shame for St. Lucia!


  1. Link to prison record. Click here.

  2. AA. I thought this thing about Bousquet going to prison was a joke. But its not. I checked the link and mate has gone to jail for true. The BOP website actually shows when he was released. Well, well, well, does Bousquet have no pride. you think a good looki.g man like that should do that to himself. He should pull out of the race and let somebody else come in. No room for ex-convicts. I am a young person and I am not voting for him again. i switch1
