"Stephenson King is de shepherd I did not want; he leadeth me beside inflated food and gas prices. He restoreth my faith in the SLP; he guideth me to the path of unemployment for his party's sake. Yea, when I walk through the streets of Castries, I am always afraid, for violent crime is all around me. Yet, he anointeth my income with taxes & my expenses runneth over. He has never anointed my table with food. My blessings for SLP runneth over. Surely goodness and praises shall be bestowed upon SLP all of their life and they will retain the leadership of this country and dwell in the house of Assembly fore ever. Amen"
Submitted to the POWERHOUSE by email
Wonderful and creative writing; whoever wrote this version of Psalm 23 is a genius; it so aptly describes the Stephenson King regime and it should be written into the St. Lucia's prayer book.