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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Over $100 million recieved in aid but where is it?


"This week the Office of Prime Minister Stephenson King announced that since Hurricane Tomas struck the island on October 30, 2010 over one hundred million dollars ($100,000,000.00) in donor aid had been received.

While this may sound like good news, the Saint Lucia Labour Party (SLP) is extremely concerned that such a substantial amount of aid has been received without any information being made public about the nature and form of that significant quantum of assistance. This veil of secrecy appears even worse when thousands of citizens continue to complain that they have not received any relief supplies or assistance.

The Saint Lucia Labour Party is certain that aid donors would like to be assured that their contributions are being managed with the highest level of transparency. It is therefore incumbent upon Prime Minister Stephenson King to provide to the people of Saint Lucia details on the exact amount of hurricane relief received, from what sources, and to explain exactly how that aid is being channelled.

Aid donors and citizens need to be assured that relief supplies are reaching the people intended or in some way assisting with the recovery process and are not being deflected to the political campaign of the UWP for the next general elections."

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