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Monday, December 6, 2010


Juke Bois dropped a bomb this morning! That five persons were shot dead over the weekend. If the Juke Bois story is true, then St. Lucia has reached a total of 48 homicides so far for the year. This means we have two new homicide records: 
Record 1: the highest number of homicides for a weekend
Record 2: The highest number of homicides for any year.

But I don’t believe Sam’s Story. He was probably "under the influence" when he broke the story and usually under those conditions, he compromises the truth. Hence, I will take the report from the police authority  - who reported two homicides in four separated shooting incidents over the weekend. - as the official truth.

But whether it’s Juke Bois’ 48 or the 45 reported by the Police, our crime statistics have reached record levels this year.

This is an unbelievable story. The government won the last election on its promise to reduce crime; but what has happened under their watch is a record-breaking number of homicides.

What are the lessons from the high crime wave which has gripped our beautiful country? Firstly, political parties must learn that they should not campaign on bluff. They should be honest with the people! Secondly, the crime problem represents what has been happening to St. Lucia over the last 4 years. We have been taken to the edge of a precipice. Will we survive the ordeal?

We can only pray to God to liberate us.

Let us pray that the spate of criminal activities gripping the nation does not reach our sweet Choiseul.

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