The Choiseul PowerHouse is “powering ahead” in Cyberspace with the speed of light. Some claim we are hard-hitting and controversial; some claim we are intellectual and academic! Some even claim we are political! Everybody is right! We are all of those things! We have a diverse global audience and it is our pleasure to stimulate your intellectual taste buds and we make no apologies for that. The bottomline is we are independent and have no affinity to any organisation: political or otherwise! We will continue to publish our "power articles"

We wish to extend special thanks to followers for their support. We also encourage you to post your comments and feedback on the Blog using the comments link following the Articles.

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Monday, December 13, 2010

Cyber-animation of Choiseul

The Choiseul Powerhouse is going places. Our Webmaster has added a new menu with new functionalities. Check it out for yourself. For example, hit the video menu for viewing a "cyber-animation" about Choiseul. Don't forget to turn up the volume of your speakers for sweet background "country & western" music while you take the breathtaking tour.

Just in case you didn't know, Choiseul is the "Country & Western capital" of St.Lucia. When everybody snobbed it, Choiseul held the country flag high because of its affinity to our own folk music.The city folk labeled us "Neg Mawon" when we came into town; but that never deterred us from our culture.

Today, the St. Lucia musical landscape is painted overwhelmingly with country & western.

I will soon be writing a feature article about the origin and reasons for our love of country music.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful animation of Choiseul. It made me feel good. We should be doing a lot more of this. By the way, where is the presentation on C&W you promised? When are we going to get it?
