Despite King’s pronouncements that our economy grew by 4% in 2010 and will grow by 2.2% in 2011, development in St. Lucia in the last 4 ½ years, has come to a halt; and may have even gone into reverse.
The government has squandered their time in office doing virtually nothing and perpetuating "roro" and illegality. On the other hand, the SLP has acted like a gov’t out of office by providing welcomed, well-defined and transparent policy leadership. They have held many conferences, retreats workshops; public, town hall and cell meetings soliciting ideas on “the way forward”.
The SLP hierarchy has as a rule refrained from the sub-culture of ‘mepwi’, negativity and character assassination that generally circumscribes the UWP campaign. They have by and large maintained a focused and cerebral approach to their campaign. They try hard to remain on message, despite the almost daily dissemination of negative information from the press and other sources about the government.
The SLP has presented many new policy positions and keep on refining ongoing ones. They have presented brand new economic policies (job creation, for example) to reflect the island’s current economic situation. They have produced and refined their health care and education policies, indicating that they will implement UHC, refine USE and introduce universal Pre-school education).
The SLP is more than ready to re-assume the reins of government and restore development to the country.
Below is the latest press release from the Saint Labour Party:
The Saint Lucia Labour Party notes that at a meeting of the UWP held in Micoud North on Tuesday 11 October, Minister of Works, Guy Joseph questioned the SLP’s intention to borrow part of a $100 million package to invest in job creation immediately after it returns to government. According to Mr. Joseph, why would the SLP want to borrow money to finance its job creation package when the Taiwanese are here and offering the money free?
The SLP calls on Mr. Joseph to explain why the UWP Administration has borrowed over $1 Billion in just over four (4) years while they have had access to Taiwanese money throughout their term in office. The SLP also believes that Mr. Joseph and the Minister of Finance should also explain why just four (4) weeks ago Parliament approved the borrowing of another $150 million by a government which is fast disintegrating and which has lost the legitimacy to govern.
The UWP continues to disregard the chronic unemployment problem which is plaguing our country, particularly among the youth where the unemployment rate has passed 40%. By now it should have become obvious to the King government that the millions placed in the hands of UWP Parliamentarians by the Taiwanese over the last four and a half years, have had no meaningful impact on the unemployment situation in the country. In fact UWP Parliamentarians seem to have been the greatest beneficiaries of those Taiwanese dollars.
In the last four and a half years the UWP has taken unemployment from 13% when the SLP left government to its present level of 24%. The SLP is convinced that nonsensical statements by UWP Ministers will not change that reality.
The Labour Party reaffirms its commitment to make job creation the number one issue, whenever it returns to the seat of government and every possible avenue will be explored to bring much needed relief to the present suffering of the people of this country.
Better Days are Coming!
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