It is important to conceptually differentiate between Rickyleaks and Wikileaks as there may be attempts to confuse the two; as Richard Frederick did on his “Can I Help You” Show when he romanticized the issue.
Richard’s reference to the conspiracy theories against him which he suggested were on Wikileaks was vintage Rickyleaks. Our technical team has spent the better part of a month combing the 1.67 GB of leaked cables on Wikileaks for articles on St. Lucia, and we are yet to find any such information.
When Richard leveled the accusations of conspiracy theories against Mr Ausbert d’Auvergne, Lady Janice, Mr La Carbiniere, Kenny Anthony and Janice Compton, we again run another extensive search; but again we came up with nothing - concrete or abstract - to support his pronouncements. We therefore concluded that those “conspiracy theories” were unfounded and were therefore “Rickyleaks” and not “Wikileaks”; but that was not the only case.
When the latest round of Wikileaks cables was released, my first interest was Grynberg. If Kenny sold our waters in return for royalties, then there was no way he could conceivably escape the Wikileaks “lasso” which the “Incredible Hulk” at the PM’s office intended to throw around his neck. But the more I searched, the less I found. Instead, I came up against a mountain of information about Bousquet’s criminality and “scary” allegations of narco-trafficking and (even murder) linked to Frederick - but nothing about Kenny selling our waters to Grynberg and collecting Royalties. That was also RickyLeaks – not Wikileaks!
I also came up with nothing incriminating about Rochamel and Frenwall, nothing about cost-overruns, nothing about the NCA affair. How could the greatest mortal sins ever committed by any government in the history of St. Lucia escape Wikileaks? Why did Wikileaks make absolutely no reference to those atrocious crimes and acts of corruption which Richard and Rick Wayne "had" been throwing at Kenny? Typical RickyLeaks!
The chickens are now slowly coming home to roost. St Lucian’s are now beginning to understand the malicious intent behind the Commission of Enquiry and its terms of reference. No wonder all the “Rickyleaked” hype about it has died a natural death! It is now pellucidly clear that all the allegations leveled against Dr Anthony were Rickyleaks invented by Rick Wayne and sold to the UWP for the purpose of demonizing Dr Anthony.
With the benefit of hindsight, it is also pellucidly clear to all that all those Rickyleaks referenced above were only half of the story; there was a missing and embarrassing half which always seemed to have escaped our attention and that is . . . the frightening collusion between “Mr Universe” and the criminal elements which invaded the UWP and which d’Auvergne alleged to have caused the death of Sir John. Those elements converted the UWP into a “Horror Party” - a party of thugs, criminals and by Rick Wayne’s own admission murderers. Based on the information from both Rickyleaks and Wikileaks, the "Great Party" which Sir John and George Mallet built now has within its ranks two Wikileaked- and RickyLeaked- "certified" murderers. Is that what the US is worried about?
So we ask the inevitable question: What is a "Mr Universe" like Rick who is also the publisher of a major tabloid newspaper doing inside a "Horror Party" with two murderers?
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